Teaching + Learning Commons

The Academic Achievement Hub helps all undergraduates advance their own success and develop as classroom leaders. Our services and programs reinforce and extend student learning in physical as well as virtual environments.
The mission of the Academic Achievement Hub is to advance all students’ academic success, their retention and completion rates. We translate research on how people learn into concrete services and programs. We transform student learning.
Staffed by professionals, paraprofessionals, and/or trained student educators, the programs reinforce the holistic academic growth of students by fostering critical thinking, metacognitive development, and academic personal success.

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academic support model that uses peer-assisted study sessions to improve student academic success in historically challenging courses.

Study Groups are an academic support model that use peer-assisted study sessions to improve student academic success in historically challenging courses. Courses are identified with departments, divisions, and faculty as needing to promote critical thinking skills.

Receive supportive, focused and on-task assistance from peer tutors and develop strategies for success in your courses. Through tutoring, acquire effective learning and problem-solving strategies to work through confusing course concepts.

Connecting problems in students’ learning to the underlying process of learning. Using current challenges and strategies to better prepare for future learning. Develop a structure of resources that promote effective learning that is time efficient.